Peter and Mandy Temple's blog from the World Gliding Championship
Prievidza, Slovakia - June/July 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

Robert the Bruce

Yesterday we renamed Pete “Robert the Bruce”, as he vainly tried to beat the storms into the first turn. We watched on Spot as Pete went North and then South 4 or 5 times, (over a 3 hour period) before he finally turned for home.
Looking at the results only the 2 Swedes and a Slovak made it into the first turn successfully, but even they didn’t have enough day to finish the task.
The Club Class task was an AAT which was achievable with most of the pilots getting a score.
We spent the day tracking the storms on the radar and satellite and relaying the information to Pete as he made his multiple attempts to find a way through the storm to the first turn. It was an interesting exercise, and luckily when it mattered we had an up to date Spot fix so we knew his position.
It’s really hard to know why the task setters set a fixed task for Standard Class towards predicted storms.
Yesterday evening Alex and Pete spent some time creating a spread sheet to calculate altitude errors if the issued QNH is incorrect.
Today is the last official practice day, with the Opening Ceremony on Saturday.
We have gridded at the back today for practise.

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