Peter and Mandy Temple's blog from the World Gliding Championship
Prievidza, Slovakia - June/July 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010

What a day - updated

Immediately after launching it looked as if we wouldn't have any relights.
Once the Club Class gate opened we had a clatter of Standard Class gliders back on the ground. Not surprisingly they had trouble staying up in heavy rain with thunderstorms all around.
Pete and Allan came back at 3pm and took a relight just before the deadline expired with 2 minutes to spare.
Pete has just restarted at 15.42 so if he does the time he will be home late.
The conditions here seem somewhat better but who knows what it will be like at 6pm.
There are already a number of outlandings and also people back on the field who either cut the task short or could not stay up after 3 launches.
It's a tough day.
JT has outlanded at Martin airfield, Allan has just radioed in that he will be outlanding South of the field.
Toby seems to be blocked from heading North to the last turn.
Pete is still flying but is making big detours to get around the storms.

6pm. Toby has outlanded, and Pete came back to the field as he could not get enough height to clear the ridge on the way to the next turn.
There were no finishers in Club Class and only 7 in Standard Class.
There is a rumour that the Club Class day will be cancelled. You will probably know before I do.


  1. WOW, WHAT A RACE! It's 1 in the morning here but I can't stop watching the live TV feed. I'm watching all the tracked gliders file into Martin Airfield. Thanks for the blog updates Mandy. I've been glued to the computer every night. Go Aussie

  2. They are all gradually flying back here.Just trying to find a link to the webcam

  3. Oh, what a day! I can just imagine the tension on the ground Mandy. All the best for today. Hope the weather is FANTASTIC!
