Peter and Mandy Temple's blog from the World Gliding Championship
Prievidza, Slovakia - June/July 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Cus in the sky - updated

Pete is flying again today. The forecast was for 3kts to 4500' and Pete had set a 3 hour AAT task to the West and South over the (relatively) lower ground. However the ground to the West is around 2000' high and Pete reports climbs to only 3700' above sea level (we're at 853' here). The day is gradually improving and the dew point today is only 13 or 14 so hopefully the conditions will be better later.

There is a lot of work going on around the airfield this week, ready for the comp. The access road is being resurfaced and all of the tables and chairs (wooden) are getting a fresh coat of varnish. So if only the weather improves......

Pete has just called a start at 2200'AGL He's going to try to do his original task and see how far he gets before the ground comes up to meet him.
I'm off now for my daily run to Tesco's to buy essentials such as bread and beer.

Pete just called (2.30 local) to say that he has had to change his task due to low cloud and is now heading for Nitra in the valley to the south.

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