Peter and Mandy Temple's blog from the World Gliding Championship
Prievidza, Slovakia - June/July 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Goulash in Prague, Floods in Slovakia

Bronek was a little late for breakfast today. His wife and children are visiting family in Slovakia and have lost all power due to the floods. He was arranging to rescue them if he needed to. Depending on what happens with the floods we may need to pick up the glider ourselves (from near Prague) on Saturday.

Bronek explained that there is a theory that the continuous rain is due to all of the dust in the atmosphere from the Eyjafjallajökull volcano (don't ask me to pronounce that) working a bit like the old cloud seeding experiments.

"Our" glider is currently in Plasy at the Czech nationals. They haven't flown there since 29th May, only three days in total. This news sent us off to check the rules for a World Comps, the minimum number of days is four.

We went on a walking tour of Prague today, in the rain. Our first stop was to buy an umbrella a must have here. Then we had Goulash for lunch, well you have to don't you?

Tomorrow we're heading East again in the bus, no set plans yet. Maybe Brno or maybe somewhere smaller where the traffic is not so crazy.

1 comment:

  1. Rain? Floods? Must be a gliding comp somewhere. See if you can get that all sorted out before we get over there!
    Graham P
